Ripening: Grace and Truth

Ripening: Grace and Truth

What is kindness? Can any of us genuinely define it for others? As one author wrote, “I don’t know how to define it, but we know when kindness is there.” But do we? What you consider kind might not be considered kind by me, and vice versa. And yet, the Bible teaches that a heart changed by the Holy Spirit is kind. Therefore, there must be some definition—a “true North” of kindness. So, how do we find that definition?

This week, Pastor Chad examines a well-known story from Jesus’ life to help us begin to see what is kind and what isn’t kind, positioning Him to define genuine kindness. Join us at 9:00 and 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 14, for the fifth message in our series “Ripening,” titled “Grace and Truth.”