In Search of Holiness. Or Not.

In Search of Holiness. Or Not.

The dictionary defines holiness as “to be holy, or a state of sanctity.” Unfortunately, more common definitions used in everyday language find the word or its root in phrases that are less than complimentary, like “holier than thou.” Even little catch-word phrases like “holy moly” belie the true definition of the word. What is holiness, actually? Why is the call to holiness important in the life of the Christian? Join Pastor Kandace Zollman as she shares a stand-alone message this week titled “In Search of Holiness. Or Not.”

Also, we invite you to join us as we celebrate the life and service of a man who contributed much to this community, our former Senior Pastor, Rob Vandeman. We could easily make a case that much of what Spencerville enjoys as an everyday part of its culture began with Elder Vandeman’s tenure in the pastorate. We invite you to join us at 3:00 p.m. (ET) on Saturday, May 22, as we remember Rob Vandeman.