Crossbar of Contradiction

Crossbar of Contradiction

In this service, Dr. Bill Knott shares a message God has laid on his heart, themed around Matthew 27: 38-44. Elder Knott is well known to this community, having been a member of Spencerville for close to 20 years. Previously, he has served as a local church pastor, an administrator, and the editor of the Adventist Review. Currently, Elder Knott serves as an Associate Director for the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty (PARL) department with the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. We’re pleased to welcome him back to the Spencerville pulpit.

Additionally, the Cantares, the select choir from Spencerville Adventist Academy, directed by Emilie Flores, will lead our music, and our 11:15 worship service will feature two baptisms. We invite you to join us for worship on Sabbath, April 15, as we lift our hearts and our voices to our Heavenly Father in worship!