Back to the Future: Constantine’s Other Blunder

Back to the Future: Constantine’s Other Blunder

Pride is the root sin, “an anti-God state of mind” says C.S. Lewis. Unfortunately, it’s not only a problem that is “out there”—it can be found in the church as well. In this second message of our Back to the Future sermon series, we’ll see how pride can lead us down the wrong paths, causing us to emphasize the wrong things.

If you’re familiar with church history, you know that Constantine was responsible for a major change to the day of worship for the Christian church. But that wasn’t the only thing he changed. Constantine made another change; a change in emphasis that’s proven equally as troublesome for the modern church, including our own. What is it? And how can we grow in this area? Join us for worship at 11:15 A.M. (ET) on Saturday, August 22, as Pastor Chad Stuart shares a message titled, “Constantine’s Other Blunder.”


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