Hygge: “Less Pastor, More Others” August 11, 2023 Pastor Chad Stuart care, hospitality, inclusion, togetherness Hygge Acts
Kissing in Church August 4, 2023 Pastor Chad Stuart ecclesiology, relationship, theology 1 Peter, Romans
It’s Complicated… July 21, 2023 Pastor Matthew Piersanti atonement, forgiveness, Old Testament, salvation Leviticus
Think on These Things July 7, 2023 Pastor Chad Stuart health, sanctification, wisdom Summer Health Philippians
Capture Your Mind, and the Rest Will Follow June 23, 2023 Pastor Chad Stuart discipline, health, obedience Summer Health 2 Corinthians, Colossians, Proverbs, Romans
Volleyball and the Dancing King June 2, 2023 Pastor Chad Stuart celebration, gratitude, joy Philippians, Psalms, Zephaniah
A Cross or a Crown? May 26, 2023 Pastor Matthew Piersanti choice, freedom, graduation, sacrifice Matthew