Pathfinder Sabbath 2019

Pathfinder Sabbath 2019

Join us on Saturday, February 16 at 11:15 AM (EST) as we’re led in worship by the young people from our Pathfinder ministry. This service will feature young people in virtually every role of the service, including two of our young people who will each share a sermonette. We look forward to sharing this uplifting service with you!

Additionally, Pastor Chad will begin our series from the book of Exodus next Saturday. Each week, you will receive a study guide to use in preparation for the following Sabbath’s sermon. This practice will continue throughout the series. We believe that our time together in the Word will be more rich and the Holy Spirit will give greater insights as we each individually study the scriptures prior to coming together corporately.

Download the Exodus Study Guide for February 23, 2019 (PDF, 36kb)


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