Words From the Cross: A Word of Forgiveness

Words From the Cross: A Word of Forgiveness

“Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.” These are the words of Jesus, said of the Roman soldiers as they stripped him naked and sold His clothing. Receiving forgiveness from someone who has wronged you is powerful. Giving forgiveness can be life-changing. How can we find the strength to forgive those who’ve hurt or wronged us? And what does that mean for how we live our lives? Join Pastor Chad Stuart in the first message from a new series titled, “Words from the Cross.” This message is taken from Luke 23, and is titled, “A Word of Forgiveness.”

Out of an abundance of caution, and in cooperation with the executive order of Governor Larry Hogan regarding public gatherings, we have canceled our in-person worship services for March 14, 2020. We labored over the decision but decided that this was the right call for our church family and for our community. What does this mean? Among other things, we’re going to worship together virtually! Though it’s a different experience from being in the room, we pray that God will use the words and music to speak to your heart.