A Sin of Fear: When Our Hearts Condemn Us

A Sin of Fear: When Our Hearts Condemn Us

There is power in God’s Word. Power to liberate us from the nagging guilt for our past lives that have been forgiven—and erased—by the blood of Jesus. The question is, do we believe it? Shouldn’t we trust the Word of God over our emotions or the accusations of our “conscience?” If you’ve struggled under the weight of past sin, there is good news! Join us in worship as Elder Bill Knott shares our message on Saturday, November 4, at 11:30 a.m. (ET), “A Sin of Fear: When Our Hearts Condemn Us.”

Elder Knott is associate director of the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department (PARL) and responsible for the Church’s interface with the U.S. Congress, the White House, and the international diplomatic corps. His full bio can be found on the PARL website.