Back to the Future: Glimpses of Dunbar’s Number

Back to the Future: Glimpses of Dunbar’s Number

What grows a relationship? Is it time? Shared interests? Common beliefs? If you said “all of these,” you’d be correct, as each plays a part. For larger communities like ours, relational growth can be a challenge. Unless intentional steps are taken, we default to relationships of proximity—thinking we know someone because we sit near them once a week. Do we really know them? Have we made it past the surface level questions to know their needs and where they hurt? In this week’s message, Pastor Chad Stuart looks at how Jesus built community and why His strategy in the first century is exactly what we need in the twenty-first century. Join us on Saturday, August 29, at 11:15 A.M. (ET) as he shares the third message in our Back to the Future sermon series, titled, “Glimpses of Dunbar’s Number.”


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