Capture Your Mind, and the Rest Will Follow

Capture Your Mind, and the Rest Will Follow

NOTE: we experienced an extended power outage during this message—it happened quite literally when Pastor Chad stood up to preach. Who says spiritual warfare isn’t real? What is shown here is the first part of the worship service and the final 15 minutes of the sermon message. We will work on reshooting this message when time and our schedules allow. In the meantime, we have a full copy of the sermon from first service on June 24 in audio format. You can find it by clicking the audio button above.

Are your thoughts “obedient to Christ,” as the Apostle Paul inquires in 2 Corinthians 10? Do you take time to “renew your mind” daily, as he suggests in Romans 12? As Christians, our minds are our greatest tool, yet they can also be our greatest weakness if untrained and undisciplined. This week, Pastor Chad returns to the pulpit for the first in a three-part series titled “Summer Health.” Join us this Sabbath for the first message, “Capture Your Mind, and the Rest Will Follow.”