Sanctified Through the Least of These

Sanctified Through the Least of These

Many Christians desire to travel to the Holy Land to walk in Jesus’ footsteps. However, we don’t have to travel thousands of miles to walk in the steps of Jesus. Matthew 25:34-40 gives us insight into how this can be done. “Whatever you did for the least of these…you did for Me.” Is there a change that takes place in us when we serve others in this way? What would a church community look like where serving others is a priority for every member? We invite you to worship with us as Pastor Chad Stuart delivers a stand-alone message titled, “Sanctified Through the Least of These.”

Helping the People of India

ADRA Logo - Adventist Development and Relief Agency
ADRA – Adventist Development and Relief Agency

As you read this, the COVID-19 pandemic is ravaging the country of India. You’ll hear Pastor Chad refer to the devastation, as well as how you can help in his message today. We’re pleased to partner with ADRA, who already has boots on the ground in-country, and has already begun to serve the Indian people.

Currently, ADRA is offering a $1 to $3 funding match. Thanks to a generous matching donor, every dollar you give will be turned into $3 to help the people of India. Will you take a moment to pray about how you can be involved in this life-saving project in India?