Preparation for Giving

Preparation for Giving

Over the past several weeks, we’ve been looking at the topic of stewardship. It’s tempting to think that stewardship is about money. However, as we’ve seen, the concept of stewardship applies to every aspect of our lives. We’ve studied the stewardship of time, and the stewardship of talent, and this week, we’ll close our three-part series with a message on the stewardship of financial resources. God’s call to give isn’t always immediate. Sometimes He begins by calling us to prepare our hearts, then wait. Join us for worship as Pastor Chad Stuart shares the final message in our “Good Steward” series titled “Preparation for Giving.”

Bible Study Series on Hebrews

We’re over halfway through our 13-week video series in the book of Hebrews. We’re following the Sabbath School lesson quarterly, written by Dr. Felix Cortez of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. The latest video can be found on our YouTube channel.