News (Page 6)
Get the latest news from Spencerville Church, along with a selection of devotional thoughts and ministry updates. We often cross-post items from our Weekly Update email newsletter to this page as well. You can sort the articles by category, tag, or month by using the navigation at the top right just below the photo.
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Church Board Votes to Lift Mask Mandate Beginning March 6
Staff Transition and Addition
Condolences to the Friends and Family of Those Recently Passed
In this week’s Weekly Update, we paid tribute to several people with connections to the Spencerville Church community who have passed during the last several weeks. Please remember the family and friends of those below in prayer, as well as other families who have recently lost loved ones.…
Updated: Remembering Clayton “Chip” Flowers
We regret to share the passing of Clayton Flowers, known to many in our community as Chip, on Tuesday, December 14. He was 62 years old. Chip had a big personality, a ready smile, a firm handshake, and was always quick to offer help. He was well-known by those in construction-related trades in this…
In Memory of Robert Schwindt
We regret to share that Robert Schwindt, a longtime member of Spencerville Church and professor at Columbia Union College (now Washington Adventist University), passed to his rest in the early morning hours of Wednesday, December 21.
COVID-19 Causes Cancellations for Middle School, Youth, and Pathfinders
Overwhelmed by the Season? You’re Not Alone…
A Tribute to Joan Bandeen
The Return of the Mask
Grow in Relationship as Part of a Connect Group
Small groups (now called Connect Groups) are a great way to get connected and build relationships with others in our church family! We’re relaunching this ministry in September of 2021 and we’re excited to tell you more about it.