COVID-19 Causes Cancellations for Middle School, Youth, and Pathfinders

COVID-19 Causes Cancellations for Middle School, Youth, and Pathfinders

Dear Church Family and Guests,

Due to several positive COVID-19 cases in our church/school family, we are suspending Youth Vespers tonight, December 10, Middle School and Youth Sabbath School for December 11, as well as all Pathfinder events for this weekend.

Our Children’s Sabbath School programs (Beginners, Kindergarten, Primary, and Juniors) will continue in person for December 11, with masking protocols in place. Please be respectful of other families by keeping an appropriate distance, especially in our Beginner classes where kids are below the age threshold for vaccination and are often unmasked.

We ask our church families to remember the keys to a safe environment while at church or any church function:

  • Wear your mask properly (always covering your mouth and nose) when you are in the building
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Stay home and watch us online if you have any cold or flu-like symptoms, have lost your sense of taste or smell, or are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test due to exposure

We thank you for your understanding and cooperation in keeping our church family and guests safe as we head into the Christmas season.

The pastoral team continues to pray for you without ceasing. We unfortunately recognize that although we may be “done” with COVID-19, it is not done with us.


Pastor Chad Stuart