News (Page 11)
Get the latest news from Spencerville Church, along with a selection of devotional thoughts and ministry updates. We often cross-post items from our Weekly Update email newsletter to this page as well. You can sort the articles by category, tag, or month by using the navigation at the top right just below the photo.
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He Has Called You By Name
God has used periods of struggle to speak into my life (as He often does for many of us). In a departure from my usual column, I wanted to share this piece of poetry with you.
Spencerville Church Hires Kandace Zollman as Pastor for Nurture and Visitation
The Spencerville church board has voted unanimously to approve the hire of Pastor Kandace Zollman to serve as the Pastor of Nurture and Visitation for Spencerville Church.
Persona non grata in the Friendly Skies
Sitting in a center seat of an airplane for a few hours isn’t a life-altering disappointment. At worst, it’s a “first-world” inconvenience. Yet, as a pastor, I couldn’t help but draw a spiritual comparison to the experience…
Cultural Shifts, Christmastime, and the Importance of Relationships
Christmastime, as I mentioned last week, is one of the seasons in which people are the most open to attending church. Within our local context, there is a fantastic opportunity to extend an invitation…
A Christmas Reminder for All of Us—Including the Pastors!
The Christmas season is here once again. Beyond the beautiful music, festive decorations, and the reminders of the first coming of our Savior, Christmas brings with it still another joy…
Book Suggestions for Your Winter Reading List
I’ve had the pleasure of reading several excellent books lately, and I wanted to share the ones that are worth your consideration as you ponder assembling your own winter reading list. I don’t know about you, but when the thermometer dips, it’s a signal to me that the time has come for books and warm beverages. It’s not that I don’t love winter weather—I do. But there’s…
Let the Score Take Care of Itself
Renowned football coach Bill Walsh led the San Francisco 49ers to success 102 times over his 10-year career in the National Football League (1979 to 1988). Complementing this impressive record, he was able to amass three Super Bowl wins as well (1981, 1984, and 1988). Coach Walsh recounted his journey in a book published in 2009, titled “The Score Takes Care of Itself.”…
Hurricane Florence: Addressing an Immediate Need
I received an email several days ago with an immediate and significant need in which we can all participate. You may or may not know that our Adventist Community Services (ACS) agency is serving thousands of families who were evacuated due to Hurricane Florence in North Carolina. ACS has…
A Report from the Outreach Ministry Fair
The Spencerville Adventist Church celebrated its first Outreach Ministry Fair on September 8, 2018. This special event was organized by the Spencerville Adventist Community Services in conjunction with the pastoral staff to showcase the current outreach ministries provided by the church to its community. The threefold purpose of the fair was to create awareness among…
Why Outreach is Part of Our DNA
This coming Sabbath our Spencerville church will be highlighting our outreach ministries during the Spencerville Outreach Ministry Fair. There are several reasons that inspire us to make this a priority as part of the DNA of our church family’s mission: We believe that God is passionate about restoring His physical, mental, and spiritual image in us. a. God created…