I’ve had the pleasure of reading several excellent books lately, and I wanted to share the ones that are worth your consideration as you ponder assembling your own winter reading list.
I don’t know about you, but when the thermometer dips, it’s a signal to me that the time has come for books and warm beverages. It’s not that I don’t love winter weather—I do. But there’s something about being inside by a picture window and watching the snow fall with a cup of tea and an open book.
The Sonship of Christ

by Ty Gibson
As the old saying goes, “You may think you know, but you have no idea.” That was the case for me as I read deeper into this book. While I wasn’t confused about who Jesus is, or about His relationship to God and the Holy Spirit, this book dives deep, revealing aspects of God’s covenant relationship that I’d not considered, while tracing the narrative of “Sonship” across both Biblical testaments. In this book, Ty unpacks the concept of “Sonship”, and why anti-trinitarian arguments fail to answer the meta-narrative of covenant in scripture.
Even if you have an adequate grasp on the concept of the trinity, this book will further enhance your understanding of the nature of the Godhead, their relationship to humanity, and why “God is love” is the most important and transcendant concept in the entire canon of Scripture. The Sonship of Christ is a fairly easy read. If you’ve ever heard Ty preach, then you’ll be familiar with his style—he writes the same way he preaches—his style is very personable and relatable. This book has been a blessing to me and I know it will bless you as well.
More information or purchase: thesonshipofchrist.com
Didn’t See it Coming

by Carey Nieuwhof
The subtitle of this book gives a clue as to the content of the book, “Overcoming the Seven Greatest Challenges That No One Expects and Everyone Experiences.” Let me start by saying that this is not a book on theology—and it’s not a self-help book. It’s a practical book, written by a Christian pastor, designed to address seven major issues that we all face at some point in our lives.
Whether you’re involved in full-time ministry, own your own business, or work for the government, I guarantee you’ll find something (or several things) to relate to in this book. I found the chapters on cynicism, irrelevance, and pride particularly compelling, and I think you will too.
More information or purchase: amazon.com