Christmas Lessons and Carols Concert

Christmas Lessons and Carols Concert

The Christmas season is upon us, a time for introspection as we relive the experience of waiting for the fulfillment of the prophecy of a coming Savior. This meaning has largely been lost in modern times as we skip the quiet reflection and jump directly to the commercial sparkle of Christmas. It is our wish that, through the reading of Scripture, the hearing and singing of melodies ancient and new, and the corporate experience of worship and fellowship, you will feel renewed strength and hope. We pray that by the familiarity of this performance you will experience the warmth of the light of Christ.

Download a Program

Join us on December 19 at 4:30 p.m. for a virtual performance of Christmas Lessons and Carols here on our church website and the Spencerville Church YouTube channel!

Get the music from this concert for free!

If you enjoyed the music from the concert, download the professionally mastered audio on the church’s Soundcloud page. There are two options available for download, a full version that includes the readings and music, and a second version featuring only the musical selections.

Full Concert: Music Only
Full Concert: Readings and Music

How to Donate

As you can probably imagine, there were costs incurred in the production of this concert, including professional musicians, equipment, technical support staff, and production costs—just to name a few. However, as a community, we needed this concert in many ways. It serves as a reminder of better days ahead, both after the virus and in a big-picture sense when Jesus returns.

To be clear, this is a free concert. We produced it for you, with no strings attached. However, if you were blessed by the concert and would like to express your gratitude in the form of a tax-deductible donation, we’ve set up a link for you to do so. If you choose to give, thank you for your generosity. If giving isn’t possible right now, we understand! We appreciate your support in the form of prayer and engagement. Either way, thank you for watching!



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