News (Page 6)

News (Page 6)

A Report from the Outreach Ministry Fair

The Spencerville Adventist Church celebrated its first Outreach Ministry Fair on September 8, 2018. This special event was organized by the Spencerville Adventist Community Services in conjunction with the pastoral staff to showcase the current outreach ministries provided by the church to its community. The threefold purpose of the fair was to create awareness among…

A Week of Loss, A Week of Hope

This week has been rough. Many of you know this firsthand because you’ve been working right alongside our staff as we pick up the pieces following the loss of Don Mauller. The pastoral staff expresses our sincerest appreciation and thanks for your help. More will be needed as little by little we recognize all that Don contributed to our church family. The loss of…

History in the Making

I don’t know about you, but I believe in the Divine guidance of a person’s steps. I’ve experienced it in my own life. To put it another way, I don’t believe, that as Christians, we are placed in situations by chance or by accident. We serve a loving God who directs our paths (Psalm 23:3). Earlier this week, I stumbled onto a powerful quote from theologian, Charles…

Encouraged by the Ordinary

It’s easy to think of the disciples as an elevated group that followed Christ—wandering to and fro, teaching and healing in His name. But they were a rag-tag bunch of guys with ordinary lives—each with quirks and issues. However, in them, Christ saw something He could use, and He bid them to follow—committing the totality of their lives to the ministry (Luke 9:2-3).…