News (Page 12)

News (Page 12)

Get the latest news from Spencerville Church, along with a selection of devotional thoughts and ministry updates. We often cross-post items from our Weekly Update email newsletter to this page as well. You can sort the articles by category, tag, or month by using the navigation at the top right just below the photo.

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Rekindled. Renewed. Relationship.

A large crowd cramped under the white canopy to hear the words of the pastor. It was the middle of an evangelistic campaign and it seemed the congregation only grew larger each night. A member of the visiting choir and mission group, I wandered around the perimeter gazing at the faces and doing my best to understand the pastor’s rapid Spanish monologue. As I rounded a…

Why Do You Serve?

The church is God’s appointed agency for the salvation of men [Note: this means all people, not just males. —JL]. It was organized for service, and its mission is to carry the gospel to the world.” —The Acts of the Apostles, p. 9 In this space over past weeks, I’ve lauded your efforts as a church body with regard to service, and let me be clear, I have…

Never Stop Learning

As I write this, I’m sitting in the airport at Love Field in Dallas, Texas, on my way back from the North American Division’s (NAD) CALLED meetings in Austin. What a blessing it’s been to attend the first divisional meeting for pastors! I want to affirm the efforts made by our denominational leadership and mention how spiritually refreshed I’ve…

Responding in Service

Over the past few months I’ve seen our membership step up and commit to serving this church at an impressive rate. Not only do we have almost 300 people signed up for H.I.S. Teams, but our estimates show that almost 50% of our average weekly attendees are…

Turn, Turn, Turn

The 1960’s rock hit, “Turn, Turn, Turn” based on Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 begins with the stanza: To every thing – turn, turn, turn There is a season – turn, turn, turn There has been a lot of “turning” within the Spencerville Seventh-day Adventist Church over the past year-and-a-half. There has been a turn in pastoral leadership, which brings turns in…

The Most Important Gift

James Harrison has a gift. At first glance, he’s an average 78-year-old Australian grandfather, but he’s credited with saving the lives of countless babies. In 1951, at the age of 14, Mr. Harrison had an operation to remove a lung. During the procedure, he received 13 units of blood. When he awoke and was told of the gift that he’d been given, he decided to become a blood…

In Need of Encouragement

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus showed His need for encouragement. “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death….O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” (Matthew 26:38) Jesus turned to His Father for encouragement even though His divine nature had full knowledge of God’s salvific plan. Encouragement is…

A Week of Loss, A Week of Hope

This week has been rough. Many of you know this firsthand because you’ve been working right alongside our staff as we pick up the pieces following the loss of Don Mauller. The pastoral staff expresses our sincerest appreciation and thanks for your help. More will be needed as little by little we recognize all that Don contributed to our church family. The loss of…

History in the Making

I don’t know about you, but I believe in the Divine guidance of a person’s steps. I’ve experienced it in my own life. To put it another way, I don’t believe, that as Christians, we are placed in situations by chance or by accident. We serve a loving God who directs our paths (Psalm 23:3). Earlier this week, I stumbled onto a powerful quote from theologian, Charles…

Encouraged by the Ordinary

It’s easy to think of the disciples as an elevated group that followed Christ—wandering to and fro, teaching and healing in His name. But they were a rag-tag bunch of guys with ordinary lives—each with quirks and issues. However, in them, Christ saw something He could use, and He bid them to follow—committing the totality of their lives to the ministry (Luke 9:2-3).…