Join us for the season finale on May 6 as our Minister of Music, Michael Patterson leads the Spencerville Church choir and orchestra through our Spring concert. This concert features works from Schuber, Vivaldi, Rutter, Beethoven, and more! Additionally, we’ll be treated to instrumental and vocal solos by Juliana Baioni, Steven Blondo, Andre-Darvasan-Stanciu, Brody Wiedemann, and internationally renowned acoustic guitarist Felipe Garibaldi. We invite you to experience this momentous event!
Elmer Carreno
Will the Evensong music program on May 6 be streamed?
Jason Lombard
Yes, I believe so. We will embed the YouTube link here on this page, but it will also be available on our YouTube page at
Dulcie Carreño Lacey
All of us in our household are on our feet clapping and so excited about this beautiful concert. Michael thank you for arranging this beautiful music.