Encouraged by the Ordinary

Encouraged by the Ordinary

It’s easy to think of the disciples as an elevated group that followed Christ—wandering to and fro, teaching and healing in His name. But they were a rag-tag bunch of guys with ordinary lives—each with quirks and issues. However, in them, Christ saw something He could use, and He bid them to follow—committing the totality of their lives to the ministry (Luke 9:2-3). When we examine who these men were from Scripture, it seems that what Christ found exceptional may have been rooted in the ordinary and unremarkable nature of each of their backgrounds and qualifications.

I don’t know about you, but I’m encouraged by the fact that, outside of Christ’s calling, these men were largely unremarkable. It gives me confidence that Christ can use even someone like me—and not only that He can, but that He wants to!

As a church, we’re currently in the midst of the bi-annual process that is Nominating Committee. Over the next few months, you’ll be seeing new leadership in some of our ministry areas. You’ll also hear more about some exciting new opportunities for service within our church. I know I speak for Pastor Chad and the rest of our pastoral team when I say that one of our goals is to provide each person with an opportunity to experience the privilege and the blessing that comes with serving God in accordance with their gifts within the local church. As a church, we need the talents of each person, no matter how ordinary you might perceive them to be.

If you’ve received a call to serve your church, please prayerfully consider the request that has been laid before you.

I leave you with a quote from Mrs. White:

“Ask God to give you a true comprehension of the work to be accomplished…Act faithfully your part in bringing blessing to your fellow men. Praise God for the privilege of co-operating with Him in His work.” —Evangelism, pg. 546.3