Erwin Nanasi, DWS

Erwin Nanasi, DWS

Erwin Nanasi, DWS

Erwin Gabriel Nanasi serves as Minister of Music for the Spencerville Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Maryland. He was educated in Piano Performance at the State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart (Germany), in Orchestration and Arranging at Berklee College of Music (MA), in Theological Studies at Weimar University (CA), in Leadership at Andrews University (MI). He received his Doctorate in Worship Studies at Liberty University (VA). He has recorded over 700 uniquely arranged piano accompaniments, available on the downloadable KnowHymn app. In his spare time, Erwin designs Bible games such as the Bibliology® experience. He is happily married and has two children.

Office Manager
Carol Strack
Pastor, Youth and Young Adults
John Gonzalez, MDiv