Last year, we launched a new giving initiative called the 10-3-2 initiative. You may remember seeing it in the bulletin or hearing Pastor Chad mention it from the front on Sabbath. Our goal under the 10-3-2 initiative encourages us to return 10% of income to tithe, 3% to the church operating budget, and 2% to the capital fund. Endorsed by the Spencerville Church board and finance committee, the 10.3.2 initiative is also in line with North American Division recommendations.
Seek God’s blessing as you return your tithes and offerings to Him while supporting our church’s spiritual and physical growth.
Returning 10% of our income to God as a tithe is biblical (Genesis 28:20-22, Numbers 18:36, Malachi 3:8-10) and should always be our first priority as Christians. However, we also have regular local expenses at Spencerville Church, such as funding for our ministries, electricity for lighting, water, bathroom supplies, Sabbath School materials, and more. For a church of our size, these expenses can be significant and are paid for through our operating budget, which is why giving 3% of income is suggested to defray these ongoing monthly expenses. The final recommendation is that 2% of income be given to the capital budget. The capital budget covers larger, non-regular expenses, such as air conditioners, carpets, roofing, sidewalks, our IT infrastructure, and much more. It also pays the monthly mortgage on the horse farm property next door, allowing us to expand our facility’s footprint in the future.
Above all, there is a blessing found in prayerfully returning to the Lord, a portion of that with which He has blessed us.
“Test me and see, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.”
Malachi 3:10
If you’re not currently returning a tithe, prayerfully start there. If you’re not giving to the operating or capital budgets, pray about starting to give in these areas while asking God to guide your future giving as He continues to bless.
Our online giving page through Adventist Giving is available 24/7 to receive your tithe and offering contributions.