Never Stop Learning

Never Stop Learning

As I write this, I’m sitting in the airport at Love Field in Dallas, Texas, on my way back from the North American Division’s (NAD) CALLED meetings in Austin. What a blessing it’s been to attend the first divisional meeting for pastors! I want to affirm the efforts made by our denominational leadership and mention how spiritually refreshed I’ve felt this week while worshiping alongside 4,000 other pastors from all over North America.

Because of the busy schedule this week, I’ve not had an opportunity to put together my usual thought for the Weekly Update. However, I wanted to use this opportunity to let you know what your pastoral staff has been doing this week in Texas, and to introduce you to a brand new resource.

Tuesday evening’s point of emphasis at the conference was continuing education, something that’s close to my heart. I love to learn and have always enjoyed expanding my horizons, both Scripturally and practically. Because of this, I’m excited about a new website that was announced at the CALLED meetings this week. The North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists has launched an online learning platform called Adventist Learning Community. It’s a brand new educational resource provided to “empower people with the passion and skills necessary to further the Kingdom of Christ in the 21st century.” While originally designed to provide training for pastors, it’s available for use by church members as well—all at no charge!

Adventist Learning Community

Between the Biblical canon, the Spirit of Prophecy, and this new online study resource, there is no shortage of edifying and inspirational content with which to fill ourselves! Consistent with council from Mrs. White, I encourage each of you to spend a “thoughtful hour” in God’s Word each day—and if you can’t start there, then start with a “thoughtful” fifteen minutes and ask God to grow your time with Him.

I hope you’ll take an opportunity to check out this new platform. But regardless of whether you prefer to learn online or offline, my prayer is that you’ll make time daily to continue to grow in your knowledge and understanding of God’s word!

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Jason Lombard is the Associate Pastor for Administration, Media and Communications at Spencerville Church in Silver Spring, Maryland. On Twitter? Follow Jason @jasonrlombard.[/author_info] [/author]