Join us for an inspiring and informative conversation between Pastor Chad Stuart and Dr. Frank Hasel, as they discuss the Sabbath School Quarterly for the second quarter of 2020.
Each week’s lesson is scheduled to begin at 9:00 AM (ET) on Saturday morning.
Frank Hasel and his cousin, Dr. Michael Hasel, are the principal contributors (authors) of the lesson. Michael is an Old Testament professor at Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tennessee, and wasn’t able to be with us. However, Frank agreed to sit down with Pastor Chad to discuss the high points of this quarter’s study. We invite you to join the conversation as we learn how to interpret scripture.
Week 13: Following the Bible
What does it mean to live by, or follow, the Bible? There’s an old saying which says, “We learn best by doing what we learn.” So it is with Bible reading and study. What can we expect will happen if we consistently pour over scripture with an open heart? To answer that question, we invite you to watch the final week’s lesson in our 13-week series on How to Interpret Scripture with Pastor Chad Stuart and Dr. Frank Hasel. It’s been a joy to share these conversations with you, and we pray that they have been helpful in your own study and spiritual growth.
Week 12: How to Study Difficult Verses
In the later years of their lives, even Jesus’ own disciples agreed that parts of scripture were “hard to understand.” Our study needs to find a balance between understanding what is understandable while allowing faith to provide comfort in the things that we may not understand until we reach heaven. Most of the Bible is easy to understand, however. It is trustworthy and accessible. When we find a difficult section to understand, do we have the tools to tackle the interpretation? Join Pastor Chad Stuart and Dr. Frank Hasel as they look at lesson 12 in the Sabbath School Quarterly for Q2 2020 titled, “How to Study Difficult Verses.”
Week 11: The Bible and Special Messages About the Future
We’re told that history shows us how God has led, and that prophecy has come true (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8 p. 307). But how do we understand Bible prophecy when it seems less than clear? Are their tools provided in Scripture for interpreting other portions of scripture? Join Pastor Chad Stuart and primary Sabbath School contributor Dr. Frank M. Hasel as they take a look at what the Bible says about the future.
Week 10: The Bible as History
The Bible begins with the words “In the beginning…” Over 66 books, and numerous authors, the Bible is a narrative about the history of God’s interactions with humanity since the dawn of creation. It reveals a personal, loving, and invested God—one who cares about His creation and wants what’s best for it. Through it’s recounting of history, the Bible enables us to witness God’s faithfulness to His people, over and over again. This week, Pastor Chad Stuart and Dr. Frank M Hasel discuss the Bible’s references to history. We invite you to come along as they dive into a discussion for week 10 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Sabbath School quarterly.
Week 9: When God Made the Earth: Bible Truth and Genesis—Part 2
From antiquity up through modern times, a person’s name meant something. It might refer to a family legacy, or it might refer to a characteristic one may wish to foster. Names also show us the connection between the Creator and the created—going all the way back to the beginnings in Genesis. Join us for this exciting conversation between Chad Stuart, the Senior Pastor of Spencerville Church in Silver Spring, Maryland, and Dr. Frank M. Hasel, Associate Director of the Biblical Research Institute. In this week’s lesson, Pastor Stuart and Dr. Hasel will continue their look at whether the Bible can be trusted as a source of information relating to origins. This video accompanies the Sabbath School lesson for Week 9 in Q2 of 2020.
Week 8: When God Made the Earth: Bible Truth and Genesis—Part 1
If we examine the foundations of creation in the Bible, we see that God created with purpose and meaning, giving worth and value to His creation. The modern scientism movement teaches us that life is nothing more than a random act with no worth or value—just chance. However, many of the great minds from past generations held a high view of Christianity; Johannes Kepler, Sir Isaac Newton, and Robert Boyle; just to name a few. These are the minds who built the foundations of much of what we believe today!
Week 7: Words, Books, and Their Meanings
In the Western world, we don’t often consider what it would be like to live without having access to the Word of God in our native language. Yet, for much of the world prior to the 1500s, that was precisely the case. Of the more than 7 billion people on this planet, a full 1.5 billion do not have the complete scripture in their native tongue! We invite you to join Pastor Chad Stuart and Dr. Frank Hasel as they discuss the languages of the Bible, why they matter, and how you can use the ancient languages in your study—even if you don’t speak them fluently.
Week 6: Why Are Bible Explanations Needed?
There’s a big, fancy-sounding word that some people use when they discuss Bible study. The word is: hermeneutic. All it really means is the “lens” through which we view the Bible. What is our worldview? Do we have any preconceived ideas? Are we using any assumptions or rules? These are all part of our hermeneutic—our way of understanding Scripture. Join Chad Stuart and Dr. Frank Hasel as they explore the lesson for week 6 of the Sabbath School quarterly for Q2 2020.
Week 5: Sola Scriptura: Only the Bible
Protestants teach that the Bible has primacy when determining a person’s beliefs. This view is called “Sola scriptura.” But where does that leave us with regard to prophecy and the continued revelation of God? How do we test “new light” to see if it’s in harmony with Scripture? Join this conversation between Chad Stuart, the Senior Pastor of Spencerville Church in Silver Spring, Maryland, and Dr. Frank M. Hasel, Associate Director of the Biblical Research Institute as they discuss the Sabbath School lesson for Week 5 in the second quarter of 2020.
Episode 4: The Bible is the Support for All Our Beliefs
If you gather a group of churches to survey them about their beliefs on the Bible, you might be surprised how different they are one to another. However, regardless of what they believe, each church uses five primary methods for framing those beliefs. What are they? Tune in and enjoy the conversation between Chad Stuart, the Senior Pastor of Spencerville Church in Silver Spring, Maryland, and Dr. Frank M. Hasel, Associate Director of the Biblical Research Institute as they take a look at the origins of Scripture. This video accompanies the Sabbath School lesson for Week 4 in the second quarter of 2020.
Episode 3: What did Jesus and His Followers Think About the Bible?
During His life on earth, Jesus regularly quoted scripture. Scripture was a well-established part of Jewish culture, familiar to many who heard Jesus speak. But which scripture was it? Do we know what Bible Jesus and His disciples used? Were there different translations even then? We invite you to watch this enjoyable conversation between Chad Stuart, the Senior Pastor of Spencerville Church in Silver Spring, Maryland and Dr. Frank M. Hasel, Associate Director of the Biblical Research Institute as they take a look at the origins of Scripture. This video accompanies the Sabbath School lesson for Week 3 in the second quarter of 2020.
Episode 2: Who Wrote the Bible?
Where did the Bible come from? How was it assembled into book form? Join this personal and informative conversation between Chad Stuart, the Senior Pastor of Spencerville Church in Silver Spring, Maryland and Dr. Frank M. Hasel, Associate Director of the Biblical Research Institute as they take a look at the origins of Scripture. This video accompanies the Sabbath School lesson for Week 2 in the second quarter of 2020.
Episode 1: What Makes the Bible Special?
The Bible is different from any other book. It shows us God’s work in the past to save humans from sin. The Bible also demonstrates God’s future plan for humanity as well as what’s to come in His everlasting kingdom. Join us for a conversation between Pastor Chad Stuart and Dr. Frank Hasel, as they discuss the Sabbath School Quarterly for the second quarter of 2020. This week, we look at the first lesson, titled, “What Makes the Bible Special?”
Episode 0: Introduction
In this short introduction, Pastor Chad Stuart and Dr. Frank Hasel introduce this quarter’s lesson, discussing several of the major themes that we hope to cover over the next 13 weeks.