Erwin Nanasi Hired as Minister of Music

Erwin Nanasi Hired as Minister of Music

Spencerville Seventh-day Adventist Church is pleased to announce that Erwin Nanasi has prayerfully accepted the call to serve as the Minister of Music.

Chad Stuart, Spencerville’s Senior Pastor, said, “After an extremely thorough search, we’re pleased that Erwin has accepted the call to serve at Spencerville. We know God has great things in store for Erwin, his family, and the Spencerville Church community. I want to thank our church board for their support throughout this search, along with Elder Jerry Lutz and the Chesapeake Conference of Seventh-day Adventists for their time and assistance as we navigated the process of extending this call.” Pastor Stuart added, “The staff and I were elated to find someone with both pastoral experience and an extensive musical background, as the ministries of the Word and music should always be intertwined.”

A native of Germany, Erwin has lived in the United States since 2011. He transitions to Maryland with his wife and young family. As one would expect, Erwin has an extensive background in music and theology from institutions like Stuttgart University of Music and Performing Arts in Germany, Berklee College of Music, and Andrews University, culminating with a doctoral degree in Worship Studies from Liberty University. Most recently, Erwin served as the senior pastor of a three-church district in Southeastern Oklahoma.

After accepting the call to Spencerville, Erwin shared, “God is so good! Watching how God has confirmed this call throughout the process has been humbling. To anticipate Christ’s second coming by worshiping Him through music ministry is a dream come true!” He added, “I’ve enjoyed getting to know the pastoral staff and deeply value the opportunity God has given my family to serve this community.”

Erwin began his tenure as the Minister of Music on November 1, 2023. The Spencerville Church pastoral team solicits your prayers for the Nanasi family as they search for housing in a challenging market. They plan to relocate to Maryland by the end of the year.