Please watch the video below before continuing with the message from Pastor Chad.
A Message of Appreciation for Pastor Matthew
by Pastor Chad Stuart

Several months ago, Pastor Matthew shared with me that he sensed God calling him to be open to a new role in ministry. With that knowledge, Christina and I began to join our prayers to those of Matthew and Amy. We prayed that the timing for such a move would be ideal for Matthew and his family and that the position would align with God’s movement in both his new location and Spencerville Church. These prayers, it seems, have been answered by his call to Ellicott City.
Matthew’s tenure as the Pastor for Youth and Young Adults at Spencerville Church has been marked by challenges and significant blessings. His ministry at Spencerville began during COVID—a difficult way to start, to be sure. However, he overcame that challenge, visiting every one of our youth by going door-to-door to introduce himself and present them with a small gift from the church. Actions like this have contributed to the warm, welcoming atmosphere in our Youth Sabbath School at Spencerville Church.
Under Matthew’s leadership, our Youth and Young Adult Sabbath Schools have enjoyed growth. I’m most appreciative of how Matthew empowered several collegiate leaders in our church to form a new Sabbath School class. The room next to the kitchen in our Fellowship Hall is now brimming with collegiates and young adults, making it the fastest-growing Sabbath School class in our church! At a time when studies show young adults are leaving the church in droves, this is a blessing we should continue to nurture and not take for granted.
This change in role for Matthew also means we’ll see less of Amy, Evan, Aiden, and Lucas. We’re comforted, however, knowing they will remain connected to our community through the school and Amy’s work at Adventist HealthCare.
Thank you, Matthew, for serving the Spencerville community these past three years. Thank you, Amy, for sharing him countless hours over nights and weekends as he ministered to our youth and young adults. Thank you, Evan, Aiden, and Lucas, for the passion and energy you brought to our worship services and Sabbath School classes. Though there is sadness within this transition, we rejoice that Matthew and his family are following God’s call.
Pastor Matthew’s move to the Senior Pastor role at the Ellicott City Seventh-day Adventist Church will occur in the middle of December. Please join me in praying for Matthew and the Piersanti family. We know they’ll bless our brothers and sisters in Ellicott City, and we can’t wait to see how God works through them for His honor and glory.