The Return of the Mask

The Return of the Mask

As many of you may have expected following this week’s announcement from Montgomery County and the previous recommendations from the CDC, we are returning to being fully masked for all indoor church activities, regardless of vaccination status.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Based on the voted law of Montgomery County and the counsel of medical professionals within our community of faith, everyone three years old and older must wear a mask at all church-sponsored indoor services and activities starting this Sabbath, August 7, 2021.
  • We will still have congregational singing. We will just be singing through our masks.
  • We will have children’s stories, but if children come to the front and are three years old and older, they must wear a mask.
  • We will not collect the children’s thank-offering when the children come forward for the children’s story for the immediate future.
  • We pray this is a very temporary minor inconvenience!