Frequently Asked Questions About our Worship Services

Frequently Asked Questions About our Worship Services

Updated March 11, 2022 – A few months ago, due to a change in regulations for Montgomery County, we were able to discontinue pre-registration, check-in, and social distancing. As of March 6, 2022, following a vote from the Spencerville Church Board, the indoor mask mandate has been lifted. This includes all Sabbath School classes and worship services.

Common Questions

Do I still need to sign-up to attend?

No. There is no requirement to pre-register or check-in before attending our adult Sabbath School classes or indoor worship services. Pre-registration is available for the children’s Sabbath School classes, sign up for the KidMin email newsletter to learn more.

Am I required to wear a mask?

No. Unless the county changes the current health regulations, masks are no longer required indoors at Spencerville Church.

When are your worship services held?

Our in-person worship services will take place at 9:00 a.m. for our first worship service and at 11:25 a.m. for the second worship service. Both services are held indoors in our sanctuary. In addition, our live-streamed online worship service has also moved to 11:30 A.M. on Saturday mornings and can be accessed on our YouTube channel or right here on the Spencerville Church website.

How many people are allowed in the building?

All capacity limits have been lifted, and we have returned to full capacities in our Sabbath School classrooms and our sanctuary.

What about Sabbath School classes?

Our children’s and adult Sabbath School classes have largely returned, with only a few exceptions. For the latest information on which classes are meeting, we invite you to sign up for our email newsletter, which will provide the latest information on Sabbath School classes and worship services each Friday afternoon.

Will there still be an outdoor worship service option?

No. Our 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship service have moved back into the sanctuary.

Will the online worship service still be available?

Absolutely! We will continue to offer a high-quality streaming experience on our YouTube channel and here on the Spencerville Church website. A number of our local members, as well as many who are new to our community, have told us that they will continue to engage with our worship services online, as they’ve been doing throughout the pandemic. It’s also been a fantastic outreach tool, connecting us with people both nationally and internationally.

What if I’m not yet comfortable with attending a worship service?

That’s okay! Many people have different comfort levels, so please do what you feel is best for you and your family. We’re happy to have you join us for worship, whether in person or online!

Will there be congregational singing as part of the worship service?

Yes. We greatly value congregational singing as part of our worship service. If you are immunocompromised, unvaccinated, or would feel more comfortable wearing a mask, we encourage you to do so. Our desire is to keep Spencerville a safe, caring, and comfortable place to worship, whether you’re masked or unmasked.

Can I still give my tithe and offering during the service?

We’ve made the decision not to pass the offering plates during the worship service. It’s our preference that giving be done online. However, we understand that online may not be an option for everyone. Therefore, we’ve set up giving boxes, beautifully handmade by one of our members, in the church foyer. Tithe and offering envelopes are available in the pew backs and at the Welcome desk in the foyer. You may also contact the church office and request to have tithe and offering envelopes mailed to you.

Health and Safety

I’ve been vaccinated, do I still need to wear a mask?

As of March 6, 2022, the mask mandate has been lifted for all indoor activities at Spencerville Church. Masks will still be required for all persons until that date. We continue to encourage mask-wearing for those who are immunocompromised, unvaccinated, or are more comfortable worshiping this way. Our desire is to keep Spencerville a safe, caring, and comfortable place to worship, whether you’re masked or unmasked.

What if I’m not feeling well?

If you have any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, including:

  • Coughing, difficulty breathing, loss of taste, etc.
  • Close personal contact with anyone known to have a positive COVID-19 diagnosis within the past two weeks.
  • A fever of 100.4 over the last 72 hours.

If any of the above apply to you, we ask that you please stay home and worship with us online

Parking and Arrival

Where should I park?

There are no restrictions in place at this time. You may park wherever it’s convenient within the Spencerville Church parking lot.

Will the restrooms be open?

Yes, but please be sensitive to different needs and feelings about personal space.

Will the mother’s room be open?

Yes. The mother’s room will be open for a mother to change or feed her child as needed. However, due to the limited capacity in this room, we ask that mothers use it only while feeding, and not as a location for viewing the full service. A changing table is available in the family bathroom immediately across the hall from the mother’s room on our east wing.

Sabbath School

What about Sabbath School classes for our Elementary-aged children?

Our children’s Sabbath School classes have returned to their classrooms. For the latest information, we invite you to sign up for our Kids Ministry newsletter.

What about Sabbath School for the Middle School and Youth classes?

Our Youth and Middle School classes are meeting in person at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday mornings. At this time, there is no online option for either class. If you have questions about the classes, please contact Pastor Matthew Piersanti.

What about our Collegiate and Young Adult Sabbath School classes?

Our Collegiate Sabbath School class is meeting in Fellowship Hall D, next to the kitchen. Please contact the Collegiate Sabbath School coordinator, Caleb Salazar, for more information. The Young Adult group continues to meet online. Please contact the church office for more information.

What’s the plan for adult Sabbath School classes?

A majority of our adult Sabbath School classes have returned to meeting in person. For the latest information on which classes are meeting, we invite you to sign up for our email newsletter, which will provide the latest information on Sabbath School classes and worship services each Friday afternoon. We’re grateful to our Sabbath Schools and small groups for all they’ve done to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus during the pandemic!