Important Worship Service Information

Important Worship Service Information

As we navigate a list of “firsts” since the fire in our sanctuary and foyer, we wanted to create a page of resources easily found for reference by our members and guests. You’ll find a list of helpful information below.

We’re blessed to have found a temporary home at the Lutheran Church of St. Andrew just a mile down the road. We are meeting there on Saturday mornings. Point your GPS toward the address below or click the link to Google Maps.

The Lutheran Church of St. Andrew
15300 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 2905
(get directions)

Our service times remain the same:

  • 9:00 a.m. – First Service
  • 10:15 a.m. – Bible Study Hour
  • 11:30 a.m. – Second Service

Facility Maps and Room Assignments

We are committed to making this transition as smooth as possible. We ask for your grace and patience as we work out the wrinkles. Our H.I.S. Team will be on hand each Sabbath morning to ensure that members and guests can find the class and the room they’re looking for.

You’ll find maps for the main and lower levels below. Click on the graphic to open a larger image in your browser.

click the image to enlarge it in a new window

Sabbath School Classes
Main Level

  • Bible Discussion Class
    Great Room A
  • Care and Connect
    Great Room B
  • Hallway Class
    Conference Room
  • Prayer & Praise Class
    Family Room
  • “Sanctuary” Class
    (New Location)
    Room 125 – Choir Room

Sabbath School Classes
Lower Level

  • Ladies Bible Exploration Class
    Creative Arts Room
  • Practical Approach Class
    Prayer Room 109
  • Fresh Beginnings Class
    Room LL110
  • Russian Language Class
    Room LL114
  • Fireside Class
    Room LL115
  • Young Adult Class
    “SALT Mines” Youth Area
  • Spanish Language Class
    Room LL117

A complete list of our classes and class descriptions is available on our Sabbath School page.

Worship FAQ

Starting on Sabbath, August 24, the Spencerville Church worship services will take place at the Lutheran Church of St. Andrew, or LCSA, as they call it. Below, you’ll find a list of frequently asked questions about Spencerville worship services. Click on a question below to reveal the answer.

Where can I find directions to LCSA?

Get directions to LCSA on Google Maps, or by entering 15300 New Hampshire Avenue into your vehicle’s GPS system.

When I arrive at LCSA, where should I park?

You can enter the LCSA parking lot through two driveways: on New Hampshire Avenue, just north of Norwood Road, and using Norwood Road, just West of New Hampshire Avenue. You may enter through either driveway. Standard and handicapped-accessible parking is available on the South and East sides of the building. Look for the Spencerville Church “sandwich board” signs marking both driveway entrances.

If you’re volunteering or serving, please use the North-side parking lot and enter through the North entrance doors (see the map above). This will keep the main parking lot free for our members and guests.

How will I know where to go once I arrive?

Our H.I.S. Team members and a volunteer team from LCSA will be equipped with maps to assist you in finding your classroom, restrooms, or main sanctuary. Be sure to thank them for their help!

Where can I find the bulletin link for this Sabbath?

We’re still working to reestablish our printed bulletin workflow after the fire. This Sabbath, the service order will appear on the screen during worship as it has for the last two Sabbaths in the GC auditorium. We’ll have a digital bulletin available in the coming weeks, available by scanning a QR code in the foyer, and we’re actively working to return to printed bulletins as soon as possible.

Will children’s Sabbath School classes be held on Sabbath?

Yes! Pastor Lerone and her volunteer team will offer a full complement of children’s Sabbath School classes on Sabbath, August 24. A map and a list of class locations are available below.

Will there be a video live stream on Sabbath?

Yes, we are planning to host a live stream every Sabbath. However, we will use the LCSA video equipment, which we have limited experience with. We request your patience as we refine these processes over the coming weeks.

What is the food/beverage policy at LCSA?

LCSA has been very kind and gracious in allowing us to use their church facility. They’ve shared that food is allowed in the foyer and hallway areas, but they kindly asked us to avoid bringing ANY food or beverages (except water) into the sanctuary. The consumption of food and beverages should also be limited to the foyer area and not taken to classrooms.

How can I return my tithe and offerings?

We appreciate your faithfulness and generosity, especially during this time, as we face many large expenses as part of the rebuilding process. Unfortunately, we lost our remaining tithe envelopes in the fire. We’re in the process of replacing them; however, we prefer that online giving be utilized as much as possible.

My friend/neighbor/co-worker is asking how they can donate to help Spencerville Church rebuild?

We’re grateful to have so many people reach out asking how they can help. A secure, easy-to-use donation page is available on our church website for those who aren’t set up to give through AdventistGiving. If you’ve already signed up for AdventistGiving and would like to donate to the rebuilding efforts, please add the amount to your digital envelope using the line item labeled “Capital/Rebuild.”