H.I.S. Team Emphasis Sabbath

H.I.S. Team Emphasis Sabbath

Help. Inform. Support. These values comprise our “H.I.S. Team” hospitality ministry’s mission (and make for a great acronym). Far more than just a greeting ministry, the H.I.S. Team functions as our front line each week, with the goal of making people feel welcome and appreciated at Spencerville Church.

On Sabbath, August 5, we will celebrate 8 years of our H.I.S. Teams and the people involved. Look for a special item within the worship services, and stop by the table in the church lobby, where you’ll have an opportunity to learn more and get involved!

If you’re looking for a place to serve and would like to learn more about how you can participate in this vibrant and necessary ministry, share your contact information below, and a leadership team member will contact you with more information.

Learn More About H.I.S. Teams