Sabbath School Classes

Sabbath School Classes

Our Bible study classes, sometimes called Sabbath School classes, cover various topics, class sizes, and formats. We offer in-person and hybrid classes, with the hybrid options offering an online component via Zoom. Our classes are regularly attended by people worldwide who enjoy discussing life, relationships, and studying the Bible together.

Unless otherwise noted, these hour-long classes begin at 10:15 a.m. on Saturday morning.

Which Class Should I Attend?

Note: if you’re using a mobile device, you may want to orient it in landscape (horizontal) format to make the graphic below larger and easier to interact with.

Using the map below, you’ll see we have more than a few options! Hover or tap the graphic and you’ll see the name of the class. Our children’s classes are displayed in gold, adult classes in blue, and other rooms like restrooms, the choir room, and the church office appear in gray. Descriptions of the adult classes are listed below.

Gold: Children’s Classes
Blue: Adult Classes
Gray: Other Rooms

Class Descriptions

Spanish (Español) Language ClassSouth Porch, Room A
Join this class of native Spanish speakers! Our Spanish-language class meets in the South Porch B (middle room) at 10:15 a.m. on Saturday mornings.
¡Únete a esta clase de hablantes nativos de español! Nuestra clase de español se reúne en el South Porch B (salón del medio) a las 10:15 a. m. los sábados por la mañana.

Russian (Русский) Language ClassSouth Porch, Room B
Do you speak Russian? If so, our newest sabbath school class is for you! The Russian-language class meets in the South Porch B (middle room) on Saturday mornings.
Ты говоришь на русском языке? Если да, то наш новый урок субботней школы для вас! Класс русского языка собирается на южном крыльце Б (средняя комната) в субботу утром в 10:15.

Prayer and Praise ClassSouth Porch, Room C
This discussion-based class follows the quarterly lesson, but is also focused on prayer and giving God praise for how He has led in the lives of our members and in His church! They meet each week in the South Porch, Room C, adjacent to the sanctuary.

Care and Connect Class – Family Room A
This discussion-based class which follows the Sabbath School quarterly study is led by a team of teachers on a weekly rotation. This class also enjoys spending time together beyond Saturday morning, participating in activities like picnics, group events, etc.

Fresh Beginnings ClassFamily Room B
Are you a new to faith, or new to Adventism? Do you desire to live your faith in a meaningful and contagious way? Explore ways to live faithfully, love deeply, and be the salt and light God has called us to be in our community. This hybrid class meets in person and online. Join them each Saturday morning on the north side of the sanctuary in Family Room B, or on Zoom.

The Bible Discussion Class Family Room C
If you enjoy Bible-focused discussions, this class is always open to new members! This class covers a different book of the Bible each quarter and has recently studied through Acts, Ephesians, and 2 Chronicles! They meet in Family Room C on the north side of the sanctuary in the church’s west wing—diagonal from the church office entrance.

Practical Approach Class Pastor Kandace’s Office
This class has existed for over 15 years but remains open and welcoming to guests. They enjoy a good discussion and follow the Seventh-day Adventist Sabbath School Quarterly. Their main focus is on how the featured biblical topics apply practically to our everyday lives.

Sanctuary Class – The Back Section of the Sanctuary
This class is where most of our guests and a large group of members enjoy studying. It’s taught by a rotation of teachers. The Sanctuary Class follows the Sabbath School lesson, delving into theologically related topics where appropriate. You’re invited to attend the class, participating in the discussion is not required.

Ladies Bible Exploration ClassConference Room (off of the foyer)
Our “ladies-only” class where women of all ages come together to build community, study the Bible, and fall more deeply in love with Jesus.

Hallway ClassThe Annex Hallway (off of the foyer)
This hybrid class meets in the annex hallway immediately off the church foyer doors near the south entrance. You’ll enjoy the discussion and study in this class, with contributions by attendees from all over the world!

Fireside ClassFellowship Hall, Sections A and B
For those ready to dig deeply into theological topics related to the Sabbath School quarterly (and beyond!), this is the class for you! The Fireside class meets in the Fellowship Hall, Sections A and B (the sections closest to the fireplace) on Saturday mornings.

Young Adult Class – Fellowship Hall, Sections C & D
If you’re between 18 and 35 and looking for a Sabbath School class, you’ll want to give this class a try on Saturday mornings in the Fellowship Hall, Sections C & D (next to the kitchen). Follow along with us as we study the InVerse Bible Study guide!