He Has Called You By Name

He Has Called You By Name

God has used periods of struggle to speak into my life (as He often does for many of us). In a departure from my usual column, I wanted to share this piece of poetry with you.

You knew me before I was born. You called me by name. Though I’ve failed you, you continue to call.

Father, I am grieved by the times I’ve wanted to hide in shame, but my past failures do not concern You—they have been forgiven through the sacrifice of Your Son.

Help me to cling to the promise You made to your prophet—that, my life, rightly consecrated, will daily receive Your words on my lips.

I am sustained by Your mercy. You remind me that the very words I’m called to speak to others are the same words You use to save me.

Remind me that my strength is insufficient in the moments where I think too highly of my own accomplishments. Show me that my understanding is incomplete.

In the moments where the adversary has me cornered, let my weakness be redeemed to demonstrate Your strength.

May the worship that I bring be pleasing to your ears, Father.

You knew me before I was born, and yet You STILL called me by name.

These paragraphs were healing for me, and I pray that God uses them to reach you right where you are. I may not know precisely what is going on in your life, but we serve a God who does. If the Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart at this moment, I hope He reminds you that your very existence was purposefully orchestrated by none other than the Creator of the Universe. He loves you more than you could ever know and has called you by name.