In Memory of Franklin Hume

In Memory of Franklin Hume

A few words on Franklin and the Hume family from long-time Spencerville member, Merle Poirier:
Franklin Hume

We recently announced the passing of Franklin Hume (the full obituary appears below). It is always difficult to lose a long-serving member like Franklin. He and his wife, Margie, were active contributing members of Spencerville.

What you may not know is that when we lost Franklin, we lost a living connection to the early history of Spencerville Church. Spencerville will celebrate its eightieth birthday this December. Someone who would remember all about those early years was Franklin.

Franklin’s father, Arthur, was one of the early Adventists who walked the roads of the Spencerville community, knocking on doors, handing out literature, and inviting people to meetings. One hot day, Arthur, his wife, Franklin, age 8, and his brothers pulled up to a house. Arthur , leaving his family in the car, said he’d be just a minute as he knocked on yet one more door. Reportedly an hour or more later, his father emerged. The wait was long for a young boy, but the news was good!

We are grateful for families like the Humes who dedicated themselves to spreading the Gospel to others. It is because of them we are able to continue serving this community today.  

Merle Poirier

The man who opened the door, Frank DeVilbiss, offered a portion of his property for the Adventists to hold tent meetings. The tent effort resulted in the baptism of 17 individuals including Mrs. DeVilbiss. Then Frank DeVilbliss donated a seven-acre piece of property. The young church built the tabernacle, then later, once it burned, erected the church you now can see at the corner of Route 198 and Good Hope Road.

We are grateful for families like the Humes who dedicated themselves to spreading the Gospel to others. It is because of them we are able to continue serving this community today.


We regret to share that on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, longtime member and friend of Spencerville Church, Franklin Hume, passed away in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Franklin was born on August 10, 1932, in Washington D.C. and began operating heavy equipment at the age of thirteen. On July 1, 1956, he married Margaret (Margie). Together Franklin and Margie raised five children; Jacquelyn of Tennessee, Terry Lee of Washington D.C., Franklin II of California, Jolene of Alabama, and Ronda of California. Franklin was also known as “PopPop” to fourteen grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Franklin suffered a devastating fall on April 10, 2012, leaving him paralyzed. Though largely bed-ridden, he never complained about his circumstances and remarked that others had it worse than he. Franklin had a huge heart and was always willing to give anything he had to others.

Franklin was always happiest in the seat of a Caterpillar loader, at the beach, and, oh yes, at the dinner table. He regularly and generously shared his faith in Jesus with others. The Hume family takes comfort knowing that the next time Franklin opens his eyes, he will see the face of his beloved Jesus.

At Franklin’s request, no memorial service will be held. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Franklin’s memory to Spencerville Adventist Academy.

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His body.

Philippians 3: 20-21 (NKJV)